Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Thing 7: Screencasting and Podcasting

This turned out to be a challenge for me as I tried to find a good program to use.  Many of the screencasting options to use required the use of JAVA, which I found out was a huge problem in my district.  None of those programs would work for me.  I searched madly through the other links to find something that I could play with, and in the process, I learned a lot about screencasting!  I just wasn't able to create one of my own.

Finally I decided that maybe I would just focus on podcasting for this lesson.  I think both podcasting and screencasting are great for education for a lot of reasons, but especially the motivation factor. I put a voki on my 5th grade webpage, and they just love clicking it and getting information that way!

I wanted to use my IPAD for this, so I downloaded the AubioBoo app and started recording.  It was really easy, and I could definitely see using this with students for a book review page.  I have a "wall of reviews" in my library, but I'm thinking it might be time to put it online!  I think podcasting has a lot of uses for a librarian, not only for reading promotion, but research tips also, which would be really handy for me, a traveling librarian.

I put a book review Audioboo on my main webpage ( ). 

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