Monday, April 28, 2014

Thing 6 Curation Tools

Thing 6!
I decided since I had already ventured into the land of Pinterest, I should try out something else for this topic.

I am also a huge delicious fan, although I do forget about it!  I used to use delicious to save things across my home and work computers, before I really got into Google Docs/Drive.  Delicious was perfect for topics like coaching, when I was taking coaching classes and coaching basketball.  Very handy.

I explored for awhile, and created my own account using twitter.  It's okay, but honestly I think Pinterest is more useful and easier to use.  When thinking about students, I'm always about what's easier to use!  Students can get turned off to technology so easily.  Too many clicks and it's all over.

I also put Flipboard on the IPAD, since I'm always looking for new apps to play with and recommend to others.  I definitely will be using that.

Finally, I had started playing with storify, and then it was mentioned in one of the workshops at the NYLA SSL conference this weekend, so that was it! I had to focus on it. I really like storify.  I will absolutely be using this with classes. I especially like the idea of teaching students that social media can actually have an academic use or two! Who knew?  :)
Here is a link to a silly one I created about my favorite baseball team.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Thing 5 - storytelling/presentation tools

I was excited when I looked at the list of possible tools to try out for this lesson.  I had actually already used some of them!!!  Hooray! 

I have created a few Vokis on my webpages, sometimes as a general message to students, but I have also used them as virtual booktalks for students to check out!

Another tool I already use (and love dearly) is prezi.  My 5th graders LOVE using prezi to create their state travel presentations.  I believe it might be the zooming.

I have also tinkered with voicethread, and honestly was never that impressed.  However, I did showcase it to my foreign language teachers who thought it had a lot of potential for verbals.

One of my teachers showed me Educreations.  It was one of the tools mentioned in this blog post in our resources.  (Great blog, by the way, I added it to my followed blogs).  She uses it as reinforcement for students needing extra help at home, or if a student missed certain lessons. It was very easy to create an account, and I created a class so I could play.  You can also search already created lessons, which is great to view some examples!

Finally, for this blog post, I settled on Haiku Deck (well, last week WAS National Haiku Poetry Day after all).  I created a short presentation (with some bad Haiku poetry) just to get the hang of it.  I love it.  I will definitely be incorporating it with classes.  The IPAD app is so easy to use!