Monday, December 2, 2013

Thing #1 Blogging

I created this blog years ago, put up a post, and then never looked at it again.  Until now.  Thanks to Cool Tools for Schools.  Blogger has changed since I was here last!

I am glad to have the opportunity (and the excuse!) to explore.  I am a busy district librarian; I teach in our K-8 building and then travel to the high school the rest of the day.  I like to learn new things that I can pass along to teachers.  It is one of my favorite parts of the job.

And we still have the circle table. 

1 comment:

pollyalida said...

Wow, that is a busy job! So many grade levels. Love what you said about sharing tools with your colleagues. That's something we hope everyone will do, such an opportunity to take a leadership role. Welcome to the workshop!